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Releases: gideros/gideros

Gideros 2024.3.1

02 Apr 09:13
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[libraries] Update
[gfx/texturepack] Handle mipmap and rawalpha flags
[studio] Files in the project can now be marked as 'Never export'


[library/3d] Be sure to set instance matrices when instancing is enabled
[export/ios] Setup first framebuffer before init code
[gfx/backend/metal] Allow large uniforms structures
[export/quest] Enable Anchor and Scene APIs
[export/uwp] Fix render target depth orientation for DirectX
[export/apple] Add PrivacyInfo file
[studio/themes] Make all themes Mac and Linux compatible

Gideros 2024.3

15 Mar 08:53
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[core/viewport] Allow RT mode to capture full scene automatically
[core/viewport] Allow to specify render target clear option and color in setTarget()
[core/profiling] Improve profiling (async threads, yields, etc)
[gfx/rendertarget] Allow specifying texture attributes as a table, as in, and allow enabling mipmapping
[gfx/backend/metal] Handle mipmapping


[core/font] Add missing [!l] closing tag
[gfx/backend/gl] New VBO allocation algorithm
[gfx/backend/gl] Don't assume depth buffer is only cleared on depth test enabling
[gfx/backend/gl] Optimize state change calls
[gfx/sprite] Add missing depthClear flag from setDepthStencil call
[gfx/font] Fix strikethrough placement
[gfx/backend/dx11] Fix depth testing
[core] Fix access issue in Buffer object

Gideros 2024.2

20 Feb 13:22
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New features

[export/quest] Implement Scene API
[core/sprite] Add Srite:setAutoSort(bool) that tells Gideros to depth sort sprite children on draw
[core/viewport] Add Viewport:setTarget(rt) to allow viewports too be rendered automatically to rts
[core/textlayout] Support oblique,underlined and strikethrough styles


[backend/gl] Improve buffer management
[core/matrix] Improve API, allow passing vectors on some calls
[core/sprite] Allow passing vectors on some calls
[export/quest] Report menu button press
[export/html5] Better handle WebGL context loss
[examples/cube3d] Use new autosort feature


[ios] Clear touches table when a view is dismissed
[plugin/share] Use main lua context for events
[lua/compat] require now assumes dots are path separators
[core/compositefont] Fix space size determination
[core/fontlayout] Tinker with wrappable text layouts handling

Gideros 2024.1

15 Jan 14:19
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[plugin/share] Add file import/export capabilities
[core/debugging] Avoid losing debugging context on some (most ?) platforms
[core/luau] Implement debugging support for mobdebug/ZBS
[bridge/deamon] Add more functionalities

Gideros 2023.12

14 Dec 15:20
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New features

[android] New Event.APPLICATION_PERMISSION reported when new permissions are gained or denied as a result of a request made by the app
[core] Add application:getProjectProperties()
[core] Add Cryptography.sha1()
[core] Add Cryptography.pbkdf2(password,salt,iterations,outputLength)


[studio] Make .gproj file more code-versionning friendly


[core/texture] Avoid mixing extended/non-extended textures in cache
[export/html5] Better handle JS events with arrays
[core] Avoid accumulating error in repeted setPosition() calls
[core] Force refresh after a Sprite:setGhosts()
[export/android] Fix set("statusBar")
[build] Fix for building UWP with VS 17.8.3

Gideros 2023.11

09 Nov 06:52
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[core/urlloader] Report error message in corresponding event
[core/application] Handle application:set("statusBar") for Android and iOS
[core/gfx] Allow specifying stencil clear value
[gfx/sprite] Make stencil op inheritable from parents
[plugin/ads] Implement AdReady on Android (for ApplovinMax and AdMob)
[Library] Update ui and 3d libs


[gfx/metal] Recreate texture on update if necessary
[gfx/metal] Avoid using too many buffers
[export/apple] Fix render target depth orientation for Metal
[gfx/pixel] Fix extra texture allocation

Gideros 2023.10

16 Oct 12:06
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New features

[core/input] Handle numeric keypad keys
[core/audio] Add Sound.decode() call to get audio samples from encoded file


[gfx/backend] Don't allocate generic FBO below 192 bytes except on WebGL, this speeds up rendering on Adreno GPU at least
[textfield/ghost] Improve performance
[core/gfx] Correctly categorize a few composed matrices
[export/meta-quest] Migrate to OpenXR API
[export/meta-quest] Support Quest 3 passthrough
[Library/ui] Large update


[core/styling] Fix basic math support
[export/win32] Fix an issue with sticky modifier keys
[export/android] Only declare LEANBACK_LAUNCHER if TV support is enabled
[plugin/imgui] Add missing file on ios
[plugin/luasqlite3] Remove, since it is replaced by lsqlite3 plugin
[plugin/controller} Xcode 15/iOS17 compat

Gideros 2023.9.1

21 Sep 15:10
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[gfxbackend/gl] instancing is supported since GL es 3.0 and desktop GL 3.1
[plugin/luamidi] Build for Linux
[export] Support optional args on exec xml rule
[export/qt] Announce as QtLinux on Linux
[gfx/particles] Use 32bit indices
[gfx/particles] Add a getNumParticles() call
[gfx/sprite] Ghost now accept a transform matrix


[export/APK] fix for Mac
[studio] Fix opening player on OSX
[gfx/layout] Fix grid relative placement not acepting negative values anymore

Gideros 2023.9

15 Sep 08:41
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New features

[core] Add math.fft() and math.ifft()
[gfx] Implement Sprite ghosts (Sprite,Pixel,TextField)
[audio] Allow to create sounds from raw waveform data
[export/linux] Support fullscreen and Screen API


[layout] Reduce memory usage
[layout] Add a fixed grid layout parameter telling Gideros to ignore children size requirements
[gfx] Deactivate clipping when 3D transform is detected
[gfx] Significantly reduce sprite memory usage
[gfx/textfield] Faster recoloring in most cases
[gfx/pixel] Reduce memory usage
[gfx/movieclip] Make native tween functions available to lua
[audio] Allow streaming a wave file
[studio] Add icons for Apple and Linux exports
[export/uwp] Use UWP Storage API to access files outside sandbox


[library/3d] fix missing alpha value for fbx (json) models
[gfx/layout] Avoid setting invalid bounds on sprites (if computations are still ongoing)

Gideros 2023.8

25 Aug 06:20
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New features

[platform] Now available on Debian based Linux (tested on Debian 11, Debian 12 and Ubuntu 22-04)
[export/linux] Initial non QT linux export code
[export] Add QT Linux target


[export] Note about QT licensing
[plugin/rp3d] add Body:setSprite() so that rp3d can update Sprites after each physics simulation step
[addon] Scene builder: allow specifying asset folder and support capsule physics shapes
[Addon/SceneBuilder] Support GLTF files
[addon/scenebuilder] Support setting physics shape in library
[lib/3d] Improve GSCN handling


[gfx/rt] Fix non POT option not accepted
[gfx/sprite] Fix invalid bound caching
[gfx/shape] Fix crash when omitting matrix in setFillType
[core/Buffer] keep a reference to the buffer object while opened as a file
[studio] Ensure output window shows last lines of 'print'
[export/win32] Avoid key repeating
[export/win32] backport linux http fixes to win32 code
[plugin/rp3d] Fix crash on some android
[plugin/ads] Add consent API
[plugin/ads/AdMob] Implement google consent flow
[Library/3d] Fix gltf loader and anim
[Samples] Fix controller demo